Wednesday, August 22, 2012


What is Translation?

Once transcription occurs translation has to then do its job in the ribosomes by taking the base code of a mRNA molecule and translating a peptide into a chain of amino acids.

This is how it works: Molecules of mRNA come out of the nucleus then go to the ribosomes where codons are translated by tRNA molecules into amino acids. this is done by the RNA's specific code where three nucleotides, called a codon, are arranged to with the directions for the amino acid that matches them. The ribosome then surrounds the mRNA and uses it to make a chain of amino acids in the same order that they will be in in the finished protein. 

Since this is not the finished product it is more like a blue print for the finished product. The reason it is not the finished product is because amino acid synthesis happens during digestion there for this is when it needs to be reviewed.